Thank you !
We address our most sincere and warm thanks to Profs. Alexandru Andrasianu, James Badro, David Dobson, Andra Filiuță, Gheorghe Ilinca, Denisa Jianu, Iulia Lazar, Captain Moore, Loreta Munteanu, Adrian-Iulian Pantia, Lucian Petrescu, Gheorghe C. Popescu, Mihai E. Popa, Renata Schaan and Reidar Trønnes for assisting with the making of the collection of minerals and rocks.
Our thanks go to the people who shared their knowledge with us and especially to: Cerasela Calugaru, Elizabeth Cottrell, Simon Lock, Sarah T. Stewart, Stephanie Werner,
We would also like to thank all the people who helped us realizing the exhibition: Marie-Jeanne Barrier, Antoine Blancon, Vincent Brault, Laurent Courtaud, Eric Debayle, Pascal Duchanaud, Cécile Dupré, Rémy Grünblatt, Benedicte Lanza, Emmanuela Mattioli, Antonela Neacsu, Franck Petit, Bruno Reynard, Belkassem Yassini.
The realization of the exhibition was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement no. 681818 – IMPACT, ERC Consolidator Grant to R. Caracas). We acknowledge support from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions with the project xICE (grant no. 894725). Further funding is provided via the HIDDEN project, financed by the Norwegian Research Foundation (project no 325567)
Through the eyes of a geoscientist, discover the history of our planet from the formation of our solar system to today.

Opening hours
Tuesday to Saturday: 12h – 16h
Closed on 24-25/12, 01/01
Museum Mineralogia München
Theresienstr. 41
D-80333 München