About us
The Team
Curator & Museographe :
- Dr. Razvan Caracas | Senior Researcher – CNRS | Curator
- Léna Martin – CNRS | Museographer
Impact team :
Mandy Bethkenhagen, Tim Bögels, Renata Brandelli, Anaïs Kobsch, Zhi Li, Adrien Saurety, Natalia Solomatova, Xi Zhu
Hidden team:
Ana Anzulovic, Anne H. Davis, Sarah Figowy
Scientific committee :
- Dr. Mirel Bârlan, Astronomer at the Observatory of Paris, France
- Prof. Carmen Gaina, Director of the Center for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, (CEED), University of Oslo, Norway, member of the European Academy
- Dr. Mioara Mandea, Programme Manager for the Solid Earth Observation of the French Spatial Agency, CNES, France, member of the European Academy
- Prof. Sarah T. Stewart, Professor at the University of California Davis, USA
- Prof. Stephanie Werner, Professor at the University of Oslo, Norway, member of the Norwegian Academy
Graphic Designer :
Carpenter and Scenography :
Production audiovisual Science Today :
- Simulating Solar System Formation l California Academy of Sciences.
Through the eyes of a geoscientist, discover the history of our planet from the formation of our solar system to today.

Opening hours
Tuesday to Saturday
12h – 18h
Museum Mineralogia München